Roughly a third of the content published by Bloomberg News uses some form of automated technology. Computer-generated NFTs have sold for over $60m. If AI can generate Bach-inspired music and Rembrandt-esque artworks, what does the future of creativity look like for humans…?
The discussion will be led by:
Dhruv Ghulati, Founder at FactMata a natural language processing startup to detect disinformation/misinformation (raised $3.6m) | Forbes’ 30under30 | product manager in AI
Guy Gadney, CEO at Charisma – which uses AI to create believable virtual characters for Sky, BBC, Warner Bros | part of the UK5G Creative Industries Working Group | co-founder of The Collaborative AI Consortium
Scott McKinney, emerging technology specialist and partner at law firm, Wilson Sonsini
Virtual Event
Meeting details will be sent out by email closer to the time
Meeting details will be sent out by email closer to the time